Happy Godmothers Day To My Beloved Fairy Godmother

Godmother holding baby at christening on beachRead more

Wish Your Godmother A Happy Day They say it takes a village to raise children. You need the help of friends, family, neighbors and good people in society. Family is the core of this support system and it consist of people who who are not just related by blood, but people who have proven to […]

April Fools Day Text Messages for Girlfriend to Make her Laugh

Young girl laughing at phone on beachRead more

Send Your Girlfriend An April Fools Text Message April 1 is undoubtedly the silliest and most fun day of the year if you love pranks, jokes, and the sort. In summary, I love how people are able to create very interesting plans on how to trick their loved ones and the outcome when they discovered […]

Funny Late Birthday Wishes for Friends Family

Illustration saying happy belated birthday to youRead more

The Ultimate, Hilarious List Of Funny Late Birthday Wishes Being considerate enough to know that you need to tell someone, “I forgot your birthday” means that you also know that you’ve disappointed someone very close to you, and you need to put a smile back on their face. Whether it’s a blood relative, coworker, or […]

200+ Ways How To Wish Easter Holiday To Family & Friends

a card with Happy Easter on it surrounded by blue flowers and eggsRead more

Find The Right Sayings To Wish A Happy Easter Holiday When Easter time comes around in the spring, we often want to send out cards to family and friends, but it may be difficult finding out how to wish someone a happy Easter holiday.  That’s where we come in. Below you will find over 150 […]

70+ Happy Independence Day Quotes That Will Make Them Cheer

Happy independence day sign in blue and red with donuts and berries in the backgroundRead more

Independence Day- July 4th, the day our forefathers threw off the mantle of imperialism and made the bold choice to self govern. Each year we get to celebrate this monumental decision that formed the basis for our wonderful country.  As Americans, we find many ways to celebrate the day,  usually with bar-b-ques and fireworks with […]