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Thank You Service Country Quotes
Memorial day is a day to remember and honor fallen heroes who have services our country. These brave men and women made the ultimate sacrifice to protect our freedoms. They represent the best of America, and their loss is felt by all of us.
On this day, we come together to pay tibute to their memory and to support the families they left behind. We also reaffirm our commitment to stand up for the values they fought for: freedom, justice, and equality.
We honor their sacrifice by living up to the ideals they died for. Thank you for your service to this country. You are in our thoughts and prayers today. If you would like to send along some service quotes, feel free to use some of ours.

What To Say Instead Of Thank You For Your Service To A Soldier
🎖️ As one of America’s veterans, you have my gratitude.
🎖️ Not only are you a hero to me, but also to all of the men and women of our country.
🎖️ I can live free only so long as there are people like you, who served our country. Thank you for your selfless service.
🎖️ Thank you for serving your family, home land, and fellow men. Happy veterans day to you.
🎖️ With your help, America will remain the land of the free! We appreciate al that military families do.

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🎖️ You have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country, You have my deepest gratitude. Happy veterans day.
🎖️ For keeping the home of the brave safe and secure, you have my eternal gratitude.
🎖️ Thanking you for your sacrifice for our country is the least I can do! We will remember all the fallen heroes today!
🎖️ To those of you in the armed services, We thank you for all that you do. To us, fallen heroes represent everything that is good about America. Please know that we appreciate each and every one of you!
🎖️ Your gallantry, dedication, and unbreakable spirit served our country. it is my honor to salute you today. Thank you to all the service men and women who keep me and my family safe.
🎖️ My appreciation is the least I can give in return for your service in the armed forces.
He loves his country best who strives to make it best.
Robert G.Ingersoll Tweet
What Do You Say to Someone for Their Service
🎖️ We are grateful for your sacrifice and courageous acts. Thank you for keeping my family members safe. Thank you for keeping Americans safe!
🎖️ Freedom isn’t free, and it’s the men and women in uniform that pay the price for us all. Thank you today and every day that we enjoy liberty and justice for all.
🎖️ As one of America’s veterans, you are the pride and joy of your community. You show us that the way to prove ourselves is not with words but to live our lives as an example. You have done that. Thank you for your service and sacrifice.
🎖️ You served our country, protected its citizens, and put all others before yourself. You have made many sacrifices, you are owed the highest appreciation from all of us. Your actions inspire me.
🎖️ A true soldier fights for the fallen, and carries on their legacy. You inspire us to be better people, and to always strive for peace. Thank you for your service to our country, we are sincerely grateful to you. You are truly heroic men!

What to Write to Thank a Veteran
🎖️ Thank you for your service to our country. You have made a national promise to defend our freedoms and protect our way of life. You are the men and women who answered our call to duty, and you have served with distinction. Your courage, your sacrifice, your patriotism will never be forgotten. Thank you to all our veterans who serve our country.
🎖️ When I think of the men and women in the armed forces, I think of heroes that don’t wear capes. I am proud of the duty done and the love expressed for us and our country.
🎖️ You have proudly served your country for many years now. This great country of ours owes you a huge debt of gratitude to the young people. You have earned our underlying gratitude.
🎖️ Thank you to everyone serving in the air force and military services. We appreciate all that you do. Thank you to all the active military personnel, service members, heroic men, and thank you to each individual military wife. Thank you for taking care of the family so your husband can go off to war!
🎖️ Enjoying the right to freedom, liberty, and justice reminds me that our soldiers are to thank for our land of the free. Thank you to all the brave men and valiant women who serve our country and keep us safe.

How Do You Show Appreciation to Those Who Defend Our Country?
There ae lots of ways to show appreciation to veterans. Some people might send them a letter, or a package. Others might visit a veteran in hospital, or have a conversation on the street. Listening to their stories is a great way to show how much you appreciate what they do!
The most important thing you can do is to show your respect when you meet each individual veteran.
🎖️ To all of the men and women in uniform serving today. You have put your life on the line to protect our freedoms, and we are forever grateful. Because of you, we, as a human race can live our lives with you to defend them. Thank you!
🎖️ To my many friends and family that are members of the military, thank you for your gallant service to your country, and happy Veteran’s Day!
🎖️ It is because of brave men and women like you that we are able to enjoy the freedoms that we do. You have sacrificed so much for us, and we are truly grateful. Thank you to all the veterans standing here today.
🎖️ On Veteran’s Day, I’d like to thank all members of our military, in all branches, past and present, living and laid to rest. Without you all, our beautiful nation wouldn’t be what it is today.
🎖️ On this day, we honor all all the veterans. Our country’s greatness is built on the foundation of your courage, commitment, and sacrifice. Thank you!
Thank You For Your Service Quotes For Veterans
🎖️ Having a friend who served our country with bravery, glory and honor makes me proud every day. Thank you for your service and friendship!
🎖️ Because you’re probably seeing lots of thank you messages for soldiers and military appreciation quotes, I wanted to give you a more personal message: good job, dude.
🎖️ Your service to our country isn’t just important, it’s vital! Thank you for laying your life on the line to save many others.
🎖️ Our country is free only so long as dedicated citizens like you join the armed forces to protect and serve those who can’t; in other words, our way of life is thanks to you!
🎖️ “…I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free. And I won’t forget the men who died, who gave that right to me.”- Lee Greenwood
🎖️ “Who kept the faith and fought the fight; The glory theirs, the duty ours.”- Wallace Bruce
🎖️ “The patriot’s blood is the seed of Freedom’s tree.”- Thomas Campbell
🎖️ Let us renew our sacred obligations to veterans. Our country has a long history of providing care and protection for those who have served in the military, but we must never stop thriving toward improving their lives after service as well!

What to Say to Someone Who Served in the Military!
🎖️ “America without her soldiers would be like God without his angels.”- Claudia Pemberton
🎖️ “We don’t know them all, but we owe them all.”- Unknown
🎖️ Thank you to all the military families who sacrifice so much on our behalf!
🎖️ When counting my blessings, the first thing that comes to mind is the beautiful, diverse, and free nation that we call home; thus, the men and women in uniform that lay their lives on the line to protect all of our lifestyles are foremost in my prayers. Military appreciation quotes aren’t enough to express how imperative it is to have selfless, talented, and heroic individuals such as yourself to represent our country as soldiers. Thank you for your gallant service to our country.
Military Appreciation Quotes
🎖️ When we say “thank you for your service”, it’s more than just a phrase. It’s a way of acknowledging the sacrifices that have been made by the men and women who have served our country. You have given up your time, energy and in some cases, your lives. In doing so, you have also provided an example of what it means to be patriotic!
🎖️ Appreciating men and women in our military doesn’t mean that you have to know them personally, because they fight for strangers every day. Thank you to all of the military families for all that you do. They put their lives at risk every day, your actions inspire others. May god bless you.
🎖️ Freedom, liberty, and justice are available to every citizen because of your sacrifice for our country! Thank you for being one of the brave. Happy Veterans day!
🎖️ Because of your selfless willingness to lay your life on the line, our nation is secure and free. You have dedicated your lives to protecting our country, you risk your lives every day without blinking. Thank you!
"The soldier is the Army. No army is better than its soldiers. The Soldier is also a citizen. In fact, the highest obligation and privilege of citizenship is that of bearing arms for one’s country."
Gen. George S. Patton Jr Tweet
Thank you for Your Service to Our Country Quotes
🎖️ “Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.”
-Winston Churchill
🎖️ “On the battlefield, the military pledges to leave no soldier behind. As a free and undivided republic, let it be our pledge that when they return home, we leave no veteran behind.”
-Dan Lipinski
🎖️ The phrase, “freedom isn’t free” is the reason that a few brave citizens, such as yourself pay the enormous price of dedicating their lives to the armed forces. As you lay your life on the line today and every day that you don a military uniform, know that my prayers are with your safe return to the home of the brave.
🎖️ “Who kept the faith and fought the fight; the glory theirs, the duty ours.”
-Wallace Bruce
🎖️ “Then join hand in hand, brave Americans all! By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall.”
-John Dickinson
🎖️ “We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.”
-Cynthia Ozick

Words to Thank Our Veterans!
🎖️ To dedicate your life to the armed forces is a huge sacrifice for our country; therefore, I’d like to thank every member of the military, past and present.
🎖️ As one of America’s veterans, you have my respect and appreciation every day.
🎖️ Because of those that have served our country, we have the right to vote, worship, and express ourselves freely. Thank you for everything you do, so I can do everything I want!
🎖️ It is not just the individual who signs up to fight for our country, thank you to all the military families who send their loved one’s off to protect us and them! Thank you brave soldiers for all that you do.
🎖️ To all the men and women in uniform, thank you for your service to our country!
🎖️ You have sacrificed so much for coming generations, asking nothing in return. You have my upmost respect! You are all brave soldiers in my mind!
🎖️ May you feel the gratitude expressed by the civilian lives protected by you and the other members of our armed forces!
🎖️ There’s a beautiful, simple thing called “freedom,” which we wouldn’t have without America’s veterans. Thank you for your service to our country.
How To Say ‘Thanks For Your Service' In A Card Or Text
🎖️ Keeping us all safe at home by fighting overseas has earned you my eternal thanks!
🎖️ Know that your sacrifice for our country doesn’t go unnoticed. God bless America’s veterans and active duty members of the armed forces.
🎖️ Many see a job well done but few come forward with a word of appreciation; therefore, I’d like to thank you for your sacrifice for our country.
🎖️America’s veterans are blessed to have you among their number; correspondingly, the citizens of our nation owe you the utmost respect for your service.
🎖️ Without anyone to fight for our country, we wouldn’t be the land of the free. Thanks to you and others like you, we’re grateful to be citizens in the home of the brave.
🎖️ While taking care of the nation, don’t forget to look out for yourself, too! Thank you for risking it all as a soldier.
🎖️ Your safe return home is the headline of my prayers! Thank you for putting yourself in danger to keep our country safe.
🎖️ Without your help, our nation wouldn’t be the land of the free. Thank you for your service to our country.

🎖️ Soldiers are heroes whose superpowers are bravery, determination, and true grit.
🎖️ Nothing is more important to you than protecting our country. Happy veterans day to you and your family.
🎖️ Working alongside someone with talent, bravery, and a selfless nature is ideal for any job; however, as members of the armed forces, it means life or death. Thank you for being the perfect soldier!
🎖️ Battlefield glory and history book entries aren’t your motivations as a soldier. Nevertheless, your gallant service to our country will not go unnoticed.
🎖️ On behalf of myself and the entire nation, I’d like to thank you for your service to our country.
🎖️ Retirement for most people means your duty is done. However, a soldier never stops being a hero.
🎖️ Respect, gratitude, and admiration will follow you forever as a retired member of our armed forces. Happy veterans day!
🎖️ Even in death, those who fight to protect the freedom of our nation’s citizens deserve the highest praise, honor and glory.
🎖️ To all the retired veterans out there, we thank you for services rendered.

Thank You For Your Service Veterans Day!
- By showing tremendous valor, passion, and strength as a soldier, you’ve inspired your fellow men to be all they can be. Thank you for your service to our country.
- From one veteran to another, thank you for going above and beyond to protect the men and women of the United States of America.
🎖️ America’s veterans, as well as their families, have my eternal thanks for being the heart of the home of the brave.
🎖️ With heartfelt gratitude, thank you for your sacrifice for our country.
How To Write A Thank You Letter To A Soldier
🎖️ Dear Retired Veteran,
Rather than luck, it’s the hard work, valor, and determination of soldiers like you that have granted us the wealth of freedoms that every law-abiding citizen is entitled to. Because of America’s veterans, our forefathers’ vision to secure liberty and justice for all is our reality. Your sacrifice for our country is a gift to every family member, acquaintance, and stranger here at home; therefore, you and your family remain always in my prayers. Happy veterans day.
🎖️ Treasured Member of the Military,
Through your valiance, heroism, and passion, you inspire those that work alongside you to be the best soldiers that they can be. Likewise, you instill a sense of pride for the home of the brave in all of those that understand the gravity of your sacrifice for our country. Therefore, the least I can do is thank you for your service!
Forever grateful,

🎖️ Dear Soldier, All time on Earth is a gift from God, and it’s thanks to the brave few that share in your choice to serve the military that my life is imbued with freedom, liberty and justice. You selflessly throw yourself into your work with no thought of repayment, outside of knowing that your family, nation, and civil rights are protected.
🎖️ It’s no secret that the training you endured as a member of the armed forces wasn’t easy; however, you never once complained, or protested. In fact, you were grateful for the opportunity to serve your fellow Americans. As a result, I will always be indebted to you: thank you for your gallant service to your country.
God bless,
🎖️ We worried for you every time you were deployed, and we were elated every time you came home. Now that you’re retired, we’re proud every day! Happy veterans day to our son.
“Brave men rejoice in adversity, just as brave soldiers triumph in war.”
Lucius Annaeus Seneca Tweet
🎖️ In the event that you find yourself despairing against great odds while defending our country, remember the valor, determination, and passion that those soldiers before you poured into our military’s foundation.
🎖️ Without them, there would be no land of the free for you to protect; at the same time, there will be no home of the brave for the future without your efforts. From a retired veteran to all of the active duty members of America’s armed forces, thank you!
🎖️ Miracles come in all shapes and sizes- perhaps most notably, in the form of a dedicated member of the armed forces. Thank you for blessing our nation with your service.
🎖️ Today and every day, you have my thanks; because without soldiers like you, I wouldn’t enjoy liberty and justice with every moment.
🎖️ It is said that there is no higher honor than to serve your fellow men; even so, your sacrifice for our country deserves accolades from every citizen across the nation. Without the valiance, dedication, and spirit of you and your fellow men and women in uniform, America wouldn’t be the land of the free. Thank you for risking it all to protect everything that matters.

Thank You For Serving Our Country Quotes
🎖️ Having a kind, strong, and determined person like you in my life already makes me proud- however, your decision to serve in our nation’s armed forces is the reason for my constant elation! I protected and nurtured you when you were young so that you could grow up with the strength to do whatever you wanted in life. Henceforth, you will be honored and renowned as a cherished defender of America’s borders.
🎖️ Dear Member of the Armed Forces,
I would like to personally thank you for your service, gallantry, and commitment to the United States. Not only must a soldier be brave, but also selfless to protect and serve our nation both stateside and abroad. As your family awaits your return, I’d like to thank you for your sacrifice for our country.
🎖️ Taking the time to thank one of America’s veterans is an honor; therefore, it is my pleasure to say, “thank you!”
🎖️ The quality of life enjoyed by your fellow men is thanks to your sacrifice for our country.
🎖️ Dear Fellow Military Member,
On this National Day of the Deployed, I’d like to encourage and thank you for your sacrifice for our country. As I know from personal experience, laying your life on the line while you’re far from home is a frightening experience; however, bravery is being afraid and still doing what must be done.
🎖️ You are nothing short of a modern hero, and it’s thanks to men and women like you that all of your fellow Americans are secure, comfortable, and free.
Your comrade in arms,

🎖️ America’s veterans will be proud to accept a talented soldier like you among their ranks. Thank you for your sacrifice for our country in deciding to enlist in the military. Sending you only the best happy veterans day messages.
🎖️ Success for your career in the military means prosperity for our entire nation. Thank you for your service.
🎖️ No matter how big a crowd may be, your fighting spirit and larger-than-life presence make you stand out! Thanks to all current and former members of the armed forces.
🎖️ Whereas some people can only find obstacles, you always find solutions. In other words, we’d like to express our gratitude for your problem-solving skills!
🎖️ Soldiers with your talent and sense of duty are the pride and joy of our nation. We would like to express our gratitude for making us all proud!
🎖️ None of your efforts will be in vain,
Not your suffering nor your pain.
So long as you rise to fight again,
The land of the free will still remain.

How Do You Write A Message Of Appreciation
🎖️ Knowing you personally isn’t necessary to thank you for your sacrifice for our country.
🎖️ For maintaining our nation’s title of “the land of the free,” we’d like to express our gratitude
🎖️ Protecting our country and upholding the constitution is imperative to our freedom. Thank you for being a member of the armed service- and moreover, for our freedom!
🎖️ No greater deed can be done than enlisting in the armed forces. Thank you for your gallant service to your country.
🎖️ Along with every veteran who’s served our country, we express our gratitude! We will never forget that the highest sacrifice is made by our vetrans!
🎖️ Thanks to the brave few who represent the men and women of our country in battle, America will remain the land of the free.
Thanks For Your Service Quotes
Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.Winston Churchill Tweet
On the battlefield, the military pledges to leave no soldier behind. As a nation, let it be our pledge that when they return home, we leave no veteran behind.Dan Lipinski Tweet
Who kept the faith and fought the fight; the glory theirs, the duty ours.Wallace Bruce Tweet
This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave.Elmer Davis Tweet
We don't know them all, but we owe them all.Unknown Tweet
May the sun in his course visit no land more free, more happy, more lovely, than this our own country!Sen. Daniel Webster Tweet
Here men endured that a nation might live.Herbert Hoover Tweet
The brave die never, though they sleep in dust, their courage nerves a thousand living menMinot J. Savage Tweet
I have long believed that sacrifice is the pinnacle of patriotism.Bob Riley Tweet
Then join hand in hand, brave Americans all! By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall.John Dickinson Tweet