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How Do You Write a Thank You Letter to Friends?
Thank you is such a simple phrase, but it can mean so much. When you take the time to write a thank you letter to friends, it tells your friends how much you appreciate their support.
When we say thank you to our friends, we’re acknowledging all that they do for us, big and small. Whether it’s picking us up from the airport after a long trip, or taking care of the dogs while we’re away, or lending us their ear when we need to talk, saying thank you to our friends is a gesture we shouldn’t ignore!
So take a few minutes and write or text some heartfelt words to your dear friend or dear best friend, and let them know all the things you appreciate about them. I promise you, it will make their day!
- You are such a great blessing in my life.
- Supportive friends are the best friends!
- Good friends are just what the doctor ordered!
- It’s been a while, let’s catch up Friday night?
- Your mere existence makes everything better!
- I am eternally grateful for your friendship, thanks for always being there!

Sample Thank You Letter To A Friend.
Friendship is one of the most beautiful things in life. It’s amazing how someone can be there for you when you need then, and how they make you feel when you’re around them.
It’s important that from time to time you let these people know how important they are to you, a good way to do this is to write some handwritten letters to let them know how much you appreciate them.
Here are a few examples of the best thank you letter to friends you can use. Just think what a nice idea it would be to send a gratitude letter to close friends who are always there for you! Showing gratitude to your friends would be much appreciated by them!
😀 Thank you ________, for always being there when I needed someone. I honestly don’t know what I would do without you in my life. You’ve listened to me ramble on about my problems, cheered for my successes, and been the shoulder to cry on when needed. You’ve always been such a good friend, and one of the most important people in my life. Thank you!
Thank you for always checking on my family member’s well being, I am deeply thankful for that.
Best friends can turn ordinary moments into extraordinary memories!
😀 You are a friend indeed. Every time I need you, you always come through for me, through the good times and the bad times. I am grateful for having a friend like you that I can count on. Thank you so much.
Thanks for being such a wonderful friend, I appreciate you more than you know.

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😀 Hi ______, I wanted to send you a quick text message to thank you for making middle school a much happier place to be. No matter what happens in my classes, I always look forward to having lunch with you. THANK YOU.
😀 Even though the last few years were tough because of my cancer diagnosis. You are one of the few people who have made my life easy. This is why I am writing this letter to let you know how grateful I am to you. You are more than a friend. You are my family and a blessing to my life. Thank you for spending time with me this last weekend, it meant a lot to me, good friends are hard to find, that’s why I’m so lucky to have you.
😀 You are the only person in the world who understands me so. Thank you for years of great friendship and wonderful memories. Cheers to much more fun and to being friends forever.

Thank You Letter for Friends
Did you know that sending a gratitude letter to a friend will not only make someone else’s day, but both the sender and receiver will feel awesome!
Here are some creative ideas you can use to send a wonderful friend a thank you letter.
😀 Hi friend! I wanted to take a quick second and say THANK YOU. Thank you for being there for me this past weekend. I know you have an insanely busy schedule, but you still found time to visit me in my hour of need. You are the true meaning of friendship. Thank you for just being plain old AWESOME.
😀 My lovely friend, my iconic gossip buddy, my chat mate. I love our daily chit-chats. Thank you for hanging with me at lunchtime. Working without you would be a lonely place.
😀 You have and I have been friends for such a long time, and I hope our friendship continues now that I am moving away. Please don’t forget me, ha ha, like that could ever happen.
😀 When I think about all the amazing friends I have, I can’t help but feel gratitude. You’ve been there for me through some exceptionally tough times, you have given me hope. Thank you for being such a supportive and loving group of friends. I don’t tell you enough just how much you mean to me.
Life is much better with you by my side.
Kaley T. Tweet
What Do You Write in a Thank You Card for a Friend?
There are many things to say in a thank you letter to friends, but what are the right words to say to friends? Thanking friends for their support, kindness, and friendship is important, and there are many ways to express your gratitude.
Whether you want to keep it simple with a handwritten note or send them a heartfelt message online, here are some tips on how to express your gratitude to your friends.
😀 I wanted to take the time to write a thank you letter to you, my best friend. You are one of the few people in my life who can relate to what I am going through. I want you to know that our friendship is a precious gift and one that I cherish. Thank you for coming last weekend to spend time with me and my family. We all love you so much. Sincerely, ________
😀 Thank you for all the special moments we’ve shared together. I cherish them deeply and can’t wait to make more memories with you in the future. Thank you for always making me feel loved and appreciated. Most of all, thank you for allowing me to be my goofy self. I hope you know that you matter to me A LOT!
😀 From you, I have learned how to be strong, how to choose battles wisely, and how to be a better person. You are an inspiration to me.

Emotional Thank You Letter to Friend
Here are some examples of what to say in a thank you letter to friends. It’s important to let friends know from time to time how important they are in your life.
Choose the right words from the below thank you letter to friends, and write a note to your best friend today!
😀 To my besties, thank you for always being there for me, I want you to know that I consider you all family. As you get older, you realize who your true friends are, so thank you to my dear friends, I love you all.
😀 You are such an awesome friend, always fun to be around. You are the epitome of kindness and positivity. I love you so much my dear friend.
😀 Being friends with you is one the best thing that has happened to my life. I have no words to express how much our friendship means to me, thank you for being such a special person.

Thank You Letter to Friends
A thank you letter is the perfect way to show your appreciation for all of the support your friends have given you. Whether they’ve been by your side during tough times or just been there to offer a listening ear, putting pen to paper to express gratitude is the right thing to do!
You can customize your letter however you like, but here are some tips on what to include in your thank you letter to friends.
😀 From the bottom of my heart, I want to say thank you for being by my side through this difficult time. Your love and support have meant everything to me. I honestly would not have made it through without my best girl friends with me. You mean the world to me.
😀 You are such a loyal friend and have been a rock to me during my hardest times. You are always there for me, even when it feels like no one else is. Thank you for listening to me ramble on about anything and everything, for sending funny memes when I need a laugh. You actually managed to make me smile, and that is quite an achievement this week.
😀 With everything going on in the world at the moment, we are all experiencing a difficult time. This is the time when I am most thankful that I have all of you in my life. I love that I can chit chat with any of you about nothing and still laugh, I love that you make me smile just because I’m talking to you. So thank you to my dear friends, there are no words, except thank you and I LOVE you all.

Thank You Letters To Best Friend
Thank you letters to friends are a great way to show your friends how much you appreciate them. Whether you want to say thank you for a favor, or simply for being a great friend, a well-written thank you letter to your best friends will make them feel appreciated and loved.
So what should you include in your thank you letter to friends? Here are some ideas for your letters.
😀 Over the years, you have been such a dear friend, only you can talk me out of my bad moods, and listening to me when I moan about ______. You talk me off the ledge and make me see what I should be grateful about. I sincerely appreciate you in my life. THANK YOU.
😀 From day one when we met, you have been supportive and encouraging of my dream. I wouldn’t be here without you. Thank you my old friends for cheering me on all these years.
😀 Dear friends, I wanted to take a moment to send some thank you letters to each of you to express just how much a part of my life you are. When my family needed help, you were there for us. You listened to our problems, offered advice, and gave us a shoulder to cry on. You were the family we needed when our own family was falling apart. I will never be able to repay you for all you have done, but if you ever need me, I will be there in a second., sincerely _______.
😀 When I needed you the most you stood by me. You are a great friend and this letter is to let you know how precious our friendship is to me and I love you. Thank you so much my dearest best friend.
😀 How did I get so lucky to have you as my best friend. Thank you for all the laughs, and screams of joy along the way, my favorite partner in crime.

What Do You Write in a Thank You Card for a Friend?
There are so many things to say thank you for when it comes to our friends. Thank you for always being there, for listening, for laughing with us, and for just being plain wonderful.
Sometimes it can be tough to put all of those feelings into words, but we wanted to take the time to say thank you anyway. Writing some thank you letters is a great way to tell your friend(s) how much you appreciate having them in your life.
😀 On this special occasion, I want to let you know that you are one of a kind friend to me. Thank you so much for all the years of fun and precious moments dear friend.
😀 You are the best friends anyone could ask for, and I thank god every day that you are in my life. Life is much better with you by my side.
😀 I will forever be grateful for having you as my best friend and I will never forget how you helped me by staying with me when I was going through therapy last month. Your gift was the most thoughtful gift, thank you for checking on me and for being there when I needed you most!
😀 This is a thank you letter to let you know that you my light in dark moments, you are my company in lonely times. You are fun to be with and above all, you are the best friend anyone could ever ask of.

Appreciation Letter to a Friend
Thank you letters are a great way to show your friends how much you appreciate them. They can be simple and short, or long and more detailed. No matter what, thank you letters are always appreciated.
Some ideas for things to say in a note include: thanking them for being there for you, mentioning specific things they’ve done that you appreciate, or simply expressing your gratitude for having them in your life.
These thank you letters are a thoughtful way to let your friends know how much they mean to you.
😀 Thank you for your kind words and advice. You always know what to do in difficult situations. You have the best intuition. Thank you for always being there to guide me down the right path. You are and always have been a true friend. I hope we can get together soon.
😀 Having a friend like you in my life has been a ray of hope. Even though life has been hard after my cancer diagnosis. I want you to know that you have made things easier just by being by my side. You are my family and a blessing to my life.
😀 I was thinking back to our school days and remembering what fun we used to have and still have together. It just occurred to me how lucky I am to have you in my life. Thank you dear friends, I am so appreciative of all the things you do for me in our friendship together.
😀 There are not enough words to describe how grateful I am for your support during this difficult time. Your kindness, compassion, and generosity have been a source of strength and comfort for me. I will NEVER forget the way you were there for me at my worst time. I am truly blessed to have such amazing friends in my life. I love you all so much.

Letter of Friendship Appreciation
Thank you letters are a lost art. I’m not sure when it happened, but somewhere along the way people stopped writing words down on paper. I think it’s because we live in a world where we can express gratitude on email or text, but there’s just something about receiving a handwritten note that feels special.
Here are our favorite ways to let our friends know how much we value them!
😀 Being friends with you is so easy, and so much fun. You are the kindest person I have ever known. I appreciate our friendship every single day. You are my person.
😀 Thank you for organizing my surprise birthday party, it was so great to see everyone, and thank you for the wonderful idea. I am so thankful to have you as a friend.
😀 Through thick and thin you have been by my side. Through high and low you have always loved me. Among all my friends you are the best and I appreciate all you have done in my life. Thank you for being a true friend, you are appreciated.
😀 I wanted to send a thank you letter to let you know what an amazing friend you are. What would I have done without you in my life? Our friendship has gone through the tests of time and we have come out stronger and stronger. I am so thankful to have such a person in my life. I don’t deserve you, but I am trying.
😀 It’s hard to believe that we have been friends for almost 20 years. I hope we continue to be friends for another 20! Thank you for making the trip for my birthday party, it was so great to finally have you here in person.

How Do You Write A Letter To A Friend Who Helped You?
What do you say in a thank you letter to friends? This is a question I have been thinking about lately. My friends are incredibly important to me, and I want to find the perfect way to thank them all for their support.
A text seems short, and I may not get everything out that i want to say in a phone call without crying. So a thank you note seems like just the right thing. If you’re not sure what to write to a dear friend, you can use one of mine.
😀 I’m writing this letter to express my gratitude to you for being such a wonderful friend over the last few years and for all the time you stayed with me throughout my stay in hospital. I wanted you to know how much I appreciated all your phone calls, texts and visit to make sure I was okay, you really are a true friend.
😀 Thank you for letting me stay over at your place over the weekend. And thank you so much for your hospitality. Nobody could have taken better care of me. I really appreciated your help, I know you have your own family to take care of too, so I really did appreciate you carving time out for me also.
😀 I am writing this thank you letter to let you know that I appreciate you as my teacher and my friend. As you know school has been hard for me with no friends, so thank you for taking the time to chat with me, it means a lot.

Example of Thank You Letter for Friends
😀 With all gratitude, I want to thank you for babysitting my kids when I was out of town. You are the only one I can count on to take care of my children. You are not just a friend, you are a family.
😀 You are a wonderful friend and a kind soul. I am grateful for all your help and assistance after I had my baby. Your friendship is a blessing in my life. I really don’t say thank you enough, so THANK YOU.
😀 I am writing this thank you letter to thank you for taking the time to help me decorate my apartment. Your style is so much better than mine so I knew I needed your help, I really appreciate you dropping everything and coming to my rescue. Thank you for being a great friend.
😀 I wanted to send you a thank you letter letting you know how grateful I am that you took care of my pet when I was away. You have been such a great friend to me. I am thankful for you daily, I just don’t know if I actually remember to tell you that!
😀 I wanted to send a thank you letter to let you know I appreciate all the effort and time you put into making my baby shower a success. Thank you so much for the shower, it was breathtaking, I really appreciate all your support during this pregnancy. I could not have done it without your help and assistance. Thank you so much, your friendship is such a wonderful gift in my life dear friend.