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Thank You Card for Neighbor
There’s always a little bit of trepidation when you move into a neighborhood and meet your neighbors for the first time! Will you become friends, do they come across as a friendly neighbor? There are lots of questions running through your head
So when you are lucky enough to have a fantastic neighbor next door, one who picks up your mail when you’re away, or brings in the trash cans when you’re at work. Take a moment to write a handwritten thank you card for neighbor. Let them know how much you appreciate the thoughtful person they are, or how nice it is to have a great neighbor next door!
Here are some of our best thank you notes to send your wonderful neighbors.

How Do You Say Thank You for a Good Neighbor?
A thank you note for a dear neighbor, doesn’t have to be overly complicated, all you’re doing is letting a friendly neighbor know how much you appreciate them!
Who doesn’t love to receive a thank you note letting them know you appreciate their kindness. Check out our examples of ways to send thank you to your neighbor.
🏘️ I hope you know how much we appreciate the fact that we have the best neighbor in our cul-de-sac. Thank you for being a great friend to us during the last few months, we are so thankful to have met.
🏘️ Thank you for being such a good neighbor last weekend. Having your help with chopping down all that wood made a huge difference!
🏘️ I’ve been meaning to tell you what a sweet neighbor you are for checking in on my mother. She appreciated you taking care of her and bringing her some food until I got home. I’m so glad you live close by. You are such a good neighbor to have, I will forever grateful to you.
🏘️ Thank you for the warm welcome when we moved into this community. We are so excited to be finally here!
🏘️ Dear neighbor, it’s not every day that we come across people who go out of their way to make our lives easier. In a world where everyone is busy with their own life, having someone who genuinely cares about you is a rarity. And that’s precisely what you have been to me. I don’t think I’ve ever expressed my gratitude enough, but today, I wanted to send you a thank you card to let you know how much I notice and appreciate all that you do!
A small act of kindness can really make someone's day.
Kenny G. Tweet
🏘️ Thank you for being such a good new neighbor. I really appreciate all that you do for me and our community. The welcoming we received after we moved in, was such a nice surprise for me and my family.
🏘️ I don’t know what I would do without new friends like you. Thank you for always being there when I need help no matter what!
🏘️ Thank you for being such a wonderful neighbor and helping me out yesterday when it came time to pick up my child and my car wouldn’t start. I can’t tell you how much I appreciated your help. Thank you again.
🏘️ Thank you for coming to my help the other day when you say me lugging mulch across my lawn. Thank you for being such a thoughtful neighbor indeed.
🏘️ Your family have made such a difference in us relocating to a new area. I’m so glad our children have become friends, and we got to spend the weekend hanging out.
🏘️ Thank you so much for watching my house while I was out of town on vacation last week. I’m blessed to have such a helpful neighbor in my life. THANK YOU again!

What Do You Write in a Card to a Neighbor?
There are plenty of reasons to send a thank you note to good neighbors. Maybe they watched your house while you were on vacation, helped you with a home improvement project, or even just moved your lawn for you.
I hope these thank you neighbor examples give you some ideas of what to write in your own thank you note to a good neighbor.
🏘️ Your support last weekend with my landscape project was a huge help. It was actually fun to have someone help me, not to mention 4 hands is better than two. I will be done with it by this weekend. Your help was a huge blessing. Are you and your husband free for dinner on Saturday night, so we can say thank you properly.
🏘️ Thank you for your support last week when I needed help with my cat. When I couldn’t get my husband on the phone, I was amazed at how fast you were to jump in and help me. Your generosity knows no bounds, thank you again.
🏘️ I am writing this thank you note because I wanted to express my gratitude for all that you did for us last week. It’s not easy moving into a new home, and I was astounded at how easily you jumped into help us. Your kids were amazing too, please thank them for us.
🏘️ I can’t believe I came home to you shoveling snow off my driveway last week. You are indeed a great friend. Thank you!
How Would You Say Thank You to Your Neighbor Who Helped You?
Have you ever had a great neighbor? Someone who is always willing to help, watches out for you, and makes sure you feel comfortable and at home in your neighborhood.
They may not be family, but they are definitely someone you can count on. So, what do you say to them?
How do you show them how much we care? Sending thank you notes is a great way to start.
🏘️ First, consider why you’re thanking your good neighbor. Are they always quick to lend a helping hand? Do they go out of their way to make sure you’re comfortable, well fed? Maybe they just put up with your musical tastes and never complain about the noise (even when you forget to turn down the volume at night).
🏘️ Whatever the reason, make sure your thank you note is specific so your neighbor knows exactly why they are being thanked.
🏘️ You really are the most incredible neighbor to have. You’ve always been so polite and friendly, but this week you have really gone out of your way. Thank you so much for taking my daughter to school, I hope I am back up and running by Monday, You have been tremedous this week, and thank your wife for her chicken noodle soup, it was amazing. I’m starting to feel better already.
🏘️ I cannot believe you took care of all that snow for me. My other neighbor would not have done that, thanks again for helping this single mom out, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it.
🏘️ Thank you for the warm welcome to your neighborhood. We are beyond thrilled to be here. It’s wonderful to be surrounded by such nice neighbors who look out for each other.
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🏘️ Thank you for helping me cut my overgrown lawn with your powerful riding mower, otherwise I would have been mowing all day long!
🏘️ Thanks to my new neighbors for helping me to cut down some small trees that were in the way. Working on it together took way less time than if I were to do it on my own.
🏘️ Thank you for the brilliant tips on getting rid of the squirrels in my yard, they worked!
🏘️ I still remember the day when I was moving into my new home, and I was struggling to carry my heavy furniture all by myself. I thought I’d have to take multiple trips back and forth, and I was getting frustrated. But, just then, you came to my rescue. You offered to help me carry everything inside, and as I look back, I realize that was just the beginning of our friendship. Thank you for always being such a good neighbor, and now a good friend.
🏘️ Thank you for always going above and beyond for me. From checking up on me when I’m sick to watering my plants when I’m away, you’ve done so much more than what I could ever ask for. You don’t have to go above and beyond the call of duty, but you do it anyway because that’s who you are. And, I’m grateful for that.
🏘️ When I moved to this neighborhood, I felt like an outsider. It can be challenging to get to know people when you’re new in town, but you made that transition easier for me. You invited me to your housewarming party, and I got to meet other neighbors in the area. You showed me around town, and you told me about all the good places to eat. You made me feel like I belong here, and that’s invaluable.

Thank You Notes for Neighbors
🏘️ A small act of kindness from a neighbor can really make someone’s day. so if you’ve recently been on the receiving goodwill take the time to sit down and write out a thank you note showing your appreciation. A few kind words goes a long way.
🏘️ Thank you so much for watching my dog while I was at work yesterday. If I can help you in any way, it would be my pleasure.
🏘️ I am so thankful to have neighbors like you. Thank you for watching our kids the other day as we were cleaning up the yard.
🏘️ Thank you for those genius tips on lawn care. I bought the recommended lawn care product and my grass is looking so much better. I am thankful you took the time to come over and chat.
🏘️ Thank you so much for holding my mail while I was away. I was getting super stressed as to what I was going to do when I was away, so thank you for stepping in and offering to pick it up. It’s a blessing to have you as as a neighbor!
🏘️ Thank you so much again for allowing my in laws to park in front of your house during their visit. We appreciate having a great neighbor like you.

How to Thank a Helpful Neighbor
If you have a neighbor that has gone out of their way to help you out recently, take the time to write them a handwritten note to say thank you, letting them know how grateful you are. If you want to go above and beyond, consider giving your neighbor a small gift along with your note. It doesn’t have to be anything big or expensive, just something as simple as a home-baked treat, or a potted plant can show them how grateful you are.
Check out these messages below, which are examples you can use for your own thank you card.
🏘️ I am so grateful for the support you provided for our school swim team when you donated money to our cause. The kids absolutely love their swim team, but the school provides no funding. Thank you so much for your donation, the kids will be excited.
🏘️ I have heard about people stealing Amazon boxes from peoples front porch, so I really appreciate you grabbing the box from mine and keeping it safe. The box was a gift for my kids birthday, so thanks for putting it away and keeping it safe for me.
🏘️ Thank you for not just being a good neighbor, but a great one. You were such a huge help last weekend when I was struggling with my yard work. I just wanted to take the time to say thank you for coming to my aid, your help was invaluable. Thank you for being such a great neighbor.
🏘️ I hope this thank you card finds you well. I just want you to know how much I appreciate everything you’ve done for me. From the moment I moved in, you’ve been there for me, offering your help, your support, and your friendship. Whether it’s lending me a tool, bringing me a meal, or helping me shovel snow, you’ve always been ready to lend a hand. Your kindness and generosity are truly remarkable, and I feel lucky to have you as my neighbor. As always, if there is anything I can help you with, don’t hesitate to ask.
🏘️ I really appreciated you taking the time to help me move all my things last weekend. I couldn’t have done with without you!
🏘️ Thank you so much for your generous offer of food last weekend. It was so nice to come home from the hospital with our new baby and not have to cook dinner! We’re looking forward to you meeting our little one. Just give us a few weeks to get ourselves together. Thank you again.

Thank You Quotes for Being a Good Neighbor
When you receive kindness from a person, let them know in writing, how much you appreciate the gesture.
Not sure how to say thank you to a wonderful neighbor, feel free to use our examples below as your own, but be specific to what they have done for you, don’t make it too generic otherwise it doesn’t feel heartfelt.
🏘️ I wanted you to know in writing what a gift you are to this community. You are such a treasure to us all. We see you working on our entrance to our neighborhood, planting flowers and removing the weeds. You are the first one to volunteer to help set up the Christmas decorations during the holidays. You are a lovely human to be around, and I wanted to put in writing how much we all love and adore you.
🏘️ Thank you so much for helping me remove all the snow from my pathway. I was already late to work, you saw how flustered I was and came running out to help with your snow plough. I can’t you tell you how thankful I am that you took the time to do that.
🏘️ Thank you so much for giving me a ride to the train station when my own car broke down. You saved my life, You are a truly wonderful neighbor.
🏘️ You are a gift from god. I cannot begin to tell you how much I appreciated you loaning me your car last week when I had to go pick up my kids and mine was broken. You are a thoughtful neighbor and then some.
🏘️ To the amazing neighbor who came over to my yard and cleaned up everything from the storm while I was at work. You are a shining star and a super helpful neighbor. You went above and beyond today, you are too kind.
Thank You Note to Neighbor

Thank You Note to a Neighbor Examples
Have you ever experienced the unexplainable joy of having a great neighbor? Someone who goes the extra mile to ensure your well-being and comfort, even without asking? Someone who would give you the shirt off their back if it would help you. Sometimes you get lucky with neighbors, and sometimes you get extremely unlucky! Like the neighbor who thinks it’s okay to mow his lawn at 7:00am on Saturday morning!
If you are one of the lucky ones, take some time to write a thank you note to your neighbor, letting them know how much you appreciate them. Maybe include a nice gift as well.
🏘️ My neighbor has become a friend over the last few years. Words can hardly express how grateful I am for her kindness and thoughtfulness. She has really been there for me as I’ve needed her and I am extremely grateful to her.
🏘️ To the best neighbor anyone could have. We are indeed lucky to be surrounded by so many neighbors whom we love and adore. This thank you note is an example of how much we appreciate all that you do for us and our friendly neighborhood. My family and I are so lucky to have you close by.
🏘️ I wanted to write a thank you note to my neighbors. They have always gone out of their way to be there for me and my family. They have become friends, and best friends. They are constantly checking up on us, asking how our kids are doing. They water our plants when we are away, they put our trash out, when we forget, which is a lot of the time, and they never ask for anything in return. This thank you note and gift will hopefully let them know how much we appreciate all they do for this family.
🏘️ The kids always love when we get some snow here in Georgia, but ploughing snow out of my driveway is not my favorite thing to do. Thank you so much for coming to my rescue last weekend and helping me to get rid of all that snow from my driveway, and giving the kids your sleds to use, they had a blast!
🏘️ Thank you so much for welcoming me to your neighborhood with open arms. It’s scary moving to a new place, on your own, but you and your husband have been so kind to me and my kids, I just wanted to send a thank you note letting you know how much I appreciate you.